frequently asked questions

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What is BWIBAAD?
BWIBAAD stands for Black Women in Applied Behavior Analysis Appreciation Day. It is a dedicated initiative to honor and celebrate the achievements, resilience, and contributions of Black women in behavior analysis.
When is BWIBAAD celebrated?
BWIBAAD’s inaugural day was February 21, 2024. Moving forward, it is celebrated annually on February 21st.
Who can participate in BWIBAAD?
BWIBAAD is inclusive and welcomes participation from anyone who supports its mission of honoring and celebrating Black women in behavior analysis.
How can I get involved with BWIBAAD?
There are several ways to get involved with BWIBAAD, including attending events, sharing resources, and promoting awareness about the contributions of Black women in behavior analysis. You can also follow BWIBAAD on social media for updates and opportunities to participate. (Check out the ways to support/join us in making a difference section.)
Is BWIBAAD only celebrated on one day?
No, BWIBAAD is not limited to a single day. It is an ongoing initiative dedicated to honoring and celebrating Black women in behavior analysis every day.
Is there a community aspect to BWIBAAD that resembles a sisterhood?
While BWIBAAD is primarily a networking platform for conferences and events, it does provide a supportive environment where individuals can connect and potentially form bonds similar to a sisterhood. The networking opportunities offered by BWIBAAD can lead to the development of meaningful connections and relationships within the ABA community.
What is behavior analysis?
Behavior analysis is the scientific study of behavior, rooted in behaviorism. It focuses on understanding how behavior is learned and changed, with the belief that improving human conditions is most effective when behavior is the primary focus. Researchers in this field have conducted numerous studies to identify the laws of behavior and have developed techniques and treatments, such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which use positive reinforcement to teach more effective behaviors and improve lives. ABA has been proven effective in a wide variety of areas.